Monday, 21 March 2011


In 369 days the elective period starts, the FM wants to be a paediatrician and want to do this during her elective. Somewhere warm would be nice, english speaking perhaps. The FM is not very good at languages. The FM should probably have started to think about electives earlier and is reading through past elective reports.

Any suggestion from readers out there? Or just a place to start


  1. Oxford Medic22/3/11 10:17 am

    If you want an experience more similar to UK Paeds, then you would be better off with a developed Commonwealth country, e.g. Australia\New Zealand\Canada. South Africa would mix in a more developing country type experience.

    Warm and English-speaking were my criteria too! Off to Malawi on Saturday...

  2. Just don't do what I did and stay in my uni hospital - lack of money and being from a relatively meagre background (full grant!) meant no exotic overseas trip for me :-(
    I suppose you'll all have to be millionaires to afford student medical fees now anyway ! :-O

  3. My other half dreams of doctoring tiny tiny ickle babies, she went to Starship in Auckland, NZ and had an epic time. New Zealand is also a great country, full of really nice people and extreme sports.

  4. I emailed them but unfortunately I've started to think about electives to late and as a result i got a nice email which said they were sorry but appleications were not closed
