Sunday 30 January 2011

A Twat

"We don't get the results we should compared with other European countries; if we did we would save thousands of lives," he told the Andrew Marr Show.

This was another pearl of wisdom from Andrew Lansley, a lovely chap who accepts money from the private sector. Probably get sued for saying that.

His above comment seems to suggest that if you oppose his plans then you dont really care about saving thousands of lives. We dont get the same results as other countries, perhaps this is because we smoke and drink more and on the whole as a nation we're quite fat? (and lazy?)

I have yet to meet a medical student who is happy with these plans, indifference or a sense of "oh shit," seem to be prevailing themes


  1. Yes. There are other factors:

  2. Lansley falls into the same trap as some of his predecessors. He assumes because he is Minister of Health he knows something about medicine.

  3. Nice to see Zorro talking some sense ... for a change! Very impressive, very!

