Thursday 13 January 2011


Yesterday I had a day with the GP, sitting in on surgery and going on home visits. After two visits the GP drove into a pub carpark. Thinking that this was a strange place for a home visit, I got out of the car and walked into the pub.

I think we'll have lunch hear, stated the GP. "Dont't worry its on me."

"Thank you" I erred.

I had a very nice lunch, am glad to think that I made a good impression. Not so this morning at clinic.

"Would you like a cup of tea doctor?" asked a nurse. The doctor said yes and I tried frantically to catch the nurses eye but she was gone. Obviously made a social blunder somewhere. I try whever I can to consume tea, it is a necessary fact of Fuddled Medics Law, which states that. . . .

"the number of cups of tea conusmed in a day is inversely proportional to the size of the stress headache at the end of the day."

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