Friday 28 September 2012


Am I right to be a bit annoyed and cynical about a colleague who was seen in a nightclub last night very drunk last night who did not turn up for work today? Especially as it doubled the workload for one of my colleagues.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Confidence and Careers

Starting work has been stressful, mistakes have been made on the whole (I hope) myself and my new colleagues seem to have done ok.

On call have been stressful and then the doubt starts to come in. Should I have reviewed Mrs X who track triggered or Mrs B who seemed just as sick first?

Did I do the right thing? Should I have seen this happening earlier? Did I miss something?

An FY2 colleague said to me - "Your doing fine. Everybody ended the shift hemodynamically  stable and those who weren't, you got a senior to come along."

Apparently this gets easier and you start to relax. Hope it starts soon

Monday 10 September 2012


Consultant Radiologist 1 - Asked me why I wanted a CTPA. I explained that we wanted to rule out a PE on a patient as he was tachycardic, respiratory rate of 25, desaturations to 85% and had spoke to the med reg who agreed a CTPA was necessary. Agreed to do it.

Consultant Radiologist 2 - Exact same picture as before. Told me that an FY1 should not be requesting CTPAs, shouted a bit, ordered me to speak to the Med Reg and get him to speak to him directly. Resulting in me wasting time getting someone more senior than me to speak with a radiologist to tell them exactly the same as what I did

Sunday 2 September 2012

ECG and orthopaedics

The Fuddled Medic is working (blundering through) as an FY1 in trauma and orthopaedics. This involves conversations like this.

My Consultant - How is the patient?

Me - Well they went into retention last night so we catheterised them. Also there kidney functions don't look so good so I've reviewed and increased there IV fluids and ordered a renal US. They also suffered a morphine overdose on return from theatre, so we reversed this with narloxone and this brought there respiratory rate back up.

My Consultant - I meant, how is the knee I operated on?

Or something along those lines.

I have survived a weekend on call, an evening on call and am cautiously optimistic. On the other hand I have forgotten how to read ECGs and am grateful to the passing Med Reg who kindly agreed to review one for me. As a result this weekend has been spent reading "ECGs made easy."

And as a result of becoming a doctor, I've only gone and joined the National Trust - how middle class can you get